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Healthy Hair is the Hair Trend this 2023

It's official: taking care of your hair is the new hair trend this 2023.

We know, you are already spending a lot of time on your hair. You are probably thinking "how much more can there be to it?" Well, we are here to tell you that there's plenty more!

Take it from us—we have been doing this long enough to know that there are plenty of ways to optimize your hair care routine and ensure your hair is growing at its best. We have some tips for you, so keep reading!

Scalp Care

Healthy hair starts with a healthy scalp. Try massaging oil before washing to stimulate healthy hair growth. Oils like almond or cedarwood oil are great for moisturizing your scalp.

Scalp exfoliation can also help reduce dandruff, balance oil production, and rid your hair follicles of product build-up. Make sure to use exfoliators specifically designed for the scalp!

Strand Repair

If your hair has been through some hair coloring in 2022, hair masks are great for strengthening your hair from the inside out. A deep conditioner will give your strands extra moisture and hydration, which is especially important for those with dry and damaged hair!

Hair Growth

One of the most searched topics for hair care is actually hair loss. While there are no miracle products that can instantly reverse the signs of hair loss, keeping your scalp hydrated and rosemary oil have shown results in hair growth.

This new focus on healthy hair is a trend that's more laid back than in previous years, which featured extensive bleaching and coloring. So keep in mind these key elements as you care for your tresses: start caring for your scalp, don't forget to moisturize your strands, and be patient with it as it grows.

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